
Sustainability at Olitia

At Olitia, we follow the circular economy approach as we are trying to build an ecosystem of “Wealth out of waste”. 

Olitia's Journey to Wealth from Waste

Discover Olitia's transformative approach to the agri-food industry, addressing the pressing issue of by-product wastage through the implementation of a circular economy. By utilizing innovative techniques such as cocopeat cultivation and sustainable resource utilization, Olitia nurtures olive plants, creating a thriving ecosystem that extracts economic value from every element. From Olive Tea to Olive Leaf extract and body care products, witness the magic of turning waste into wealth.


Agri-food industry faces a critical challenge of by-product wastage, hindering economic value realization.

Olitia embraces the circular economy, repurposing by-products as valuable resources for various processes.

Cocopeat cultivation nurtures olive plants, ensuring long-term nutrient storage, while preventing bacterial and fungal growth.

Transferring saplings to the ground, Olitia cultivates beautifully branched olive trees, harvesting ideal-sized silvery green leaves.

Unutilized leaves are ingeniously transformed into high-quality products, including Olive Leaf extract, known for its clinically proven bone health benefits, and a range of Olives-based body care products.

Olive Trees Planted
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Hectares Covered
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Villages Transformed
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Jobs Created
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Farmers Impacted
0 +
Increase in Agriculture Yield
0 %